samedi 7 mai 2011

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 06 - A Song That Reminds You of Somewhere

Compos - 7020

En 2005, j'ai déménagé de Montréal pour aller vivre chez ma mère à Aylmer pour un an. J'avais besoin de changement. Seul dans une cave sans internet, j'ai pris la guitare de mon beau père et je me suis mis à composer pour la première fois. Le titre de cette compos "7020" est en fait l'adresse civique où j'habitais l'année précédente. Un grand 8 et demi sur St-Denis avec où j'ai trippé pendant un an. Que de beaux souvenirs.

Donc cette chanson me rappelle deux endroits à la fois.


I woke up wondering why
My friends were not home
Just thinking how I could've ended up here alone

I woke up wondering how
No sounds in my ear
Just hoping for some familiar sounds to hear

I got up wondering why
No cracks on the floor
Just to find myself, searching for some french doors

I sat down wondering how
I ended up so far away
The only place I truly called home

Take me down to the 7020
Where the wall is green, and the girls are pretty
Fuck the rest, even paradise city
Oh won't you please, take me home

I remember all the good times we had
Just to fuck around, no one felt sad
We used to sit and talk about the night we had
Just like the 80's and all of it's stories

A little french confident, a nudist rockstar,
a loving hairdresser and the most uplifting chick in town
These were the ones who filled the place
With all the other friendly faces
The ones I truly miss the most

Take me down to the 7020
Where the wall is green, and the girls are pretty
Fuck the rest, even paradise city
Oh won't you please, take me home

Take me down to the 7020
Where the wall is green, and we all just feel happy
Fuck the rest, even paradise city
Take me to the place that I want to be

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